Thursday, August 14, 2008

A dream is a wish your heart makes...

And wow, have my dreams been working overtime.

It's been a little bit since my first post, I have been meaning to sit down and spill everyday, but... life happens. Ya know?

I keep finding myself in this little girl, fairy tale, Disney movie kinda attitude lately.

Every morning I wake up following another random assortment of dreams that always leave me wondering. I find myself in far away places, with people that I haven't seen in ages, or maybe even met just once... dreaming of things and people in my day-to-day life, and wondering the significance... Is that really gonna happen?? It's taken a lot to try to keep myself grounded and 'reality check' every once in a while due to the overflow. But I think I'd have to say I'm doing pretty well. I thought I'd gotten myself in a stand still, but luckily managed to have temporarily worked everything out to the best of my ability. Sometimes I just wish too hard, I think. Especially lately. I wish that everything would just quit going wrong and I could have my perfect little fairy tale. I wish for genuine happiness.. but then again, doesn't everyone?? I wish that I could disable the part of my brain that causes me to overanalyze and worry about EVERYTHING. I wish I could find someone who loves me unconditionally and wants to share their heart and their world with me. I wish I could stand up and do what I said in my first blog... Ugh, I wish.. I wish.. I wish...

I wish I could sit down and finish one complete blog all at once.... (this one has taken over a week.)

It's my birthday today and all I want is for it to be special. I want to feel special and feel like a princess.
I want someone to make my birthday as special as someone else's was.
And instead, I'm depressed and 200 miles away from my family and most of my friends.


1 comment:

Lorie said...

Mama came to you and I loved it-except for a few parts-but being with you was the best part! I pray always that your dreams come true and I pray you dream big and not sale yourself short or settle for less than you deserve.You are beautiful and remember "To Thine own self be true!"
I love you my beauty!